Best flooring for your home when you have pets

There is a wide range of flooring available for your home, however, when you throw kids and pets into the mix what is the best flooring?

For us personally, we have a combination of carpet and tiles throughout our home, which considering we have 2 dogs and 2 children has served us pretty well. There are pros and cons with all flooring options, here is a breakdown of the options you have and the benefits to each.

Carpet –

This is the go-to for most homes, not only does it come in a wide range of colours and designs. It also has the added benefit of the comfort from this, it is soft underfoot and helps with heat retention. As someone with a husky though, it can be a nightmare when it comes to keeping clean and hair-free. It is worth investing in a good hoover and carpet cleaner if you have carpets throughout. One thing to be considerate of though is the carpet type, where possible avoid the loop carpets as these can be a bit of an issue with claws catching on these.

Tiles –

We have tiles in our kitchen and bathroom and these are super easy to be kept clean and hair-free. The only real drawback with tile flooring is the fact they are hard, so if you have an elderly pet (we have 13-year-old husky!) they may find the hard flooring uncomfortable. It is also extremely slippy when they have come back through the room with wet paws!

Laminate flooring –

We had laminate when we first moved into this house, which is great for some however for me I hated the sound of the dog’s claws clicking as they walked up and down the house! Laminate is a great flooring to keep clean however be very careful, should you have a pet that is prone to accidents, if you are not quick to clean it up, there is a chance over time of regular exposure to liquid that it may warp in places.

Of course if this is not an issue for your pet this may make a great flooring for you.

Each option offers benefits and problems, the best thing to do for your home is to weigh up your situation such as your usage, your pets age and space. Each of the options above a can work for a variety of homes, it is just which one is best for you.

Best flooring for your home when you have pets