5 Quick Ways To Spring Clean

The new year is here; for me, it is the chance to give our house a spring clean. The Christmas period is always a time for twinkling lights, snuggly comforts and magic. When the tree comes down though, it is the perfect time to give my home a quick spring clean ready for the new year.

It can be a little overwhelming post-Christmas to get your house back on track, so here are our 5 quick ways to spring clean.

Declutter –

Cleaning your home is great however, whilst it is full of clutter it is not going to feel as big as it can be.

Take a little time to clear out those things you have not used in a while, if it has not surfaced from its draw that you have stashed it away in for the last 6 months, then it is not likely to either.

If you are not a fan of putting things in the bin, why not sell them or donate them to someone who could use it?

5 Quick Ways To Spring Clean

Deep clean the bathroom and kitchen –

The one job I hate doing is cleaning our oven, however, I try and take the time in my spring clean to give our dismiss a clean as part of our deep clean which then means I am able to keep on top of it with a regular cleaning schedule.

Although neither the bathroom nor the kitchen is particularly a mess, it always feels like the worse room to clean and definitely comes bottom of the pile!

Set a schedule

Rather than feeling overwhelmed like I always tend to do, start the new year off as you mean to go on. By setting yourself a weekly schedule, you should be able to stay on top of the cleaning without feeling as though it is getting too much.

Small short bursts of tackling the jobs that are needed will make it feel like it is being completed with minimal fuss and effort.

5 Quick Ways To Spring Clean

Don’t forget the windows –

Whilst you are cleaning top to bottom, don’t forget to take time out to clean your windows inside and out to let the light in as the summer rolls around.

You can keep on top of this every week with a simple microfibre cloth on the inside and then on a regular basis give the exterior windows a good clean and let the light bounce around your home.

Wipe down walls and cupboards –

Walls and cupboard fronts are usually something that we always forget about yet they are the one thing that is constantly exposed to dirt and dust.

Whilst you are giving the house a good spring clean, this is the perfect opportunity for you to work through each room as you are cleaning. Once you have done this, if you pop it onto your cleaning schedule you will have the chance to keep on top of this as you go forward.

On top of the above, I try and give our carpets a good clean at the same time, especially as we have dogs and kids! A few years ago we invested in a Vax carpet cleaner suitable for pets, it just helps us to keep on top of the cleaning. It is also great for mucky children too, who always manage to spill something!

Using the right equipment is essential too, as you know, we use lots of harsh chemicals when cleaning and it is easy to irritate your skin with it. So where possible, try and use gloves and if you have irritated eyes, it is worth investing in some goggles (don’t worry, no one can see you at home!). If like me, you have eczema, it is worth investing in some cream and even some eczema cream for eyelids, should you irritate them. Nothing worse than spending time cleaning and then having itchy skin afterwards!